Delicious vegan alkaline blueberry muffins

Alkaline Vegan Blueberry Muffins With Sea Moss

Hi my friend! I couldn't wait to share with you one of my FAVORITE breakfast treats, a blueberry muffin. And of course, we are getting in our dose of vitamins by infusing our blend with my African herbal sea moss gel! My son and I recently went blueberry picking and with all the blueberries we picked we had enough to freeze and make baked goods with. 

With just 10 simple and healthy ingredients, you have yourself a delicious breakfast, snack, or dessert. Why incorporate sea moss into your desserts? Its texture adds more creaminess to the recipe while also adding in plenty of nutrients such as iodine, potassium, calcium, and so many more.  Sea moss alone isn't everyone's cup of tea, due to its flavor. But add it into your desserts and you are sure to not taste it at all. This is perfect for any picky-eaters!

This recipe is for those of you who want a sweet treat without the white sugar, white flour, no dairy, and  easier to digest ingredients. Please let me know what you think! I'm sure you'll enjoy these heart healthy blueberry muffins. 

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